Overpowering the Fear of Being Myself
The funny thing is, in my coming out, God’s grace did overpower part of me; but not the attraction. By the grace of God, I was able to overpower my fear of being myself...my gay self!
The funny thing is, in my coming out, God’s grace did overpower part of me; but not the attraction. By the grace of God, I was able to overpower my fear of being myself...my gay self!
We can rejoice in the truth that we receive in both of these stories: there is healing through perseverance, and where faith was once absent, it will be restored.
Not knowing whether you’ll be edged out of your church community or abandoned by your family is terrifying. Courage is being a witness despite all this.
I don’t believe I was born in the wrong body. I think I was meant to have been assigned male at birth and to journey on the path to where I am now.
The Lord has blessed me with a multitude of circumstances over which I have absolutely no control. I cannot think my way out of my mental illness (and I’ve tried). I can’t think my way out of being lesbian (and I’ve tried). I certainly cannot think my way out of being transgender (and I have definitely tried). All I can do is stop fighting and receive the gift of my identity.
It brings great joy to my heart when I discover other gay Catholics, because I know if we stick together; we can bring change and to rectify its past and current sins in the church.
The world may not understand the struggle and pain that has brought you here, but Christ does, So snuggle into him. The world may not understand the goodness that radiates from your soul, but Christ does. So dance in the light of his wildfire, the world may no understand that sexuality is more than whom you get it up for, but Christ does, so be unapologetically audacious and beautifully bold.
I am good, and God chooses to love me every single second. God loves all of me, the queer and the femme are held in Their arms.
The second reading invites us to “let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” As we live out our daily lives, we need to ask ourselves "how can we show God’s love in our actions?" The truth is that God loves you. He loves your fabulous hair. He loves your smile. He loves your queerness. He loves your relationships. He loves all of you! As we set out on our mission to show God’s love, we must start with showing love towards ourselves.
You need to be who you are, who you were made to be.